
Roma Framework is an open-source project conceived in April 2006 by Luca Garulli.

Join us! If you're a committer, a developer or a user of The Roma Framework Project, do not hesitate to register yourself by clicking the Join! button in the top left corner of the Map.

Join the community

The community is composed by:

  • Users
  • Developers
  • Committers.
Register yourself as Developerif you wish to contribute to the Roma Framework source code.


A Roma's User is anyone who leverages the amazing features Roma offers to develop web applications.


  • Any level of Java Programming knowledge


Users may:


Developers, just like users, enjoy the ease of web application development with Roma Framework, but also wish to contribute to the development of the framework itself.



All User privileges, plus Developers may:


Committers are advanced Developers with proven knowledge of Roma Framework and a solid track record of engagement in the community. Although only Committers are allowed to nominate and elect new/candidate Committers through voting, anyone may share their opinion on candidate proposals with the community. The nomination process is initiated by publishing a Proposal for Candidacy on the Development Mailing List


  • proven knowledge of Roma Framework
  • solid track record of engagement in the community


All Developer privileges, plus Committers may:

  • commit changes to Roma Framework Subversion Repository
  • vote on new feature, radical changes, important things

Project resources

Roma project is hosted under world-wide free accounts:


Support This Project

Roma is a free project with a commercial friendly license. We need your contribution in order to improve the work done until now. All money will be invested in the project. Thank you!

Most active committers

Any project is made of people. These are the people behind Roma:

Luca Garulli Luca
Main ideator, he developed the first prototype in the 2006. He's the author of the modules: Core, Persistence-Jpox, Persistence-Datanucleus, Admin, Users, Scripting-Java6 and View-Echo2
Luigi Dell'Aquila Luigi Dell'Aquila Computer Engineer. Roma developer since July 2007. Designer and (co)author of the following Roma modules: Workflow Tevere Engine and GUI, Html View Aspect, Portlet Project, Chart jFreeChart, Service CXF, Etl XPath, Semantic Jena
Giordano Maestro Giordano Maestro  
Luca Molino Luca Molino Developer of Messaging Module (External Mail implementation), Workflow Pojo, Portal Solo. Contribution View-Echo2, Persistence-Jpox, Core, Etl-Xpath and Admin
Marco De Stefano Marco De Stefano Contribution to the modules View-Echo2, Core and Admin
  Paolo Spizzirri Developer of the first version of Quartz Scheduler module
 Marco Gentile
Marco Gentile Developer of check, install and update console wizards
Know all the developers.

Mailing list

Register yourself to the Mailing list. This is the main source of information about Roma development. It's the first one step to became a Roma Developer.


Around the world

Register yourself as Frappr user to be displayed as a Roma Framework User, Developer or Committer. Frappr service allows you to display all members on the earth map (it uses Google Maps)

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  Copyright @ 2006-2017 Luca Garulli